I am an engineer specializing in computational biology interested in decoding the natural world.
My interests lie in the intersection of computer science, mathematics, physics, and biology. I’m passionate about leveraging research in medicine to improve people’s health.

Currently exploring and learning about:

Data Science | Computational Genomics | Statistical Genetics | Systems Biology
Bio-/Neuro-informatics | Biophysics | Biomathematics | Biostatistics

Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States


  • Nov 2024 - Great experience to be at #ASHG2024. Denver, CO, US. | Post

  • Aug 2024 - I will be giving a platform presentation at the ASHG Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, US! | Agenda

  • Mar 2024 - I received the Outstanding Performance Award at the FNNDSC Research Symposium. Boston, MA, US. | News

  • Jul 2023 - I conducted a workshop on Data Science in Education at Monterrey Institute of Technology. Toluca, Edo de Mex, Mexico. | Badge

  • Jul 2023 - I participated in the program Creating a Career Path in Cybersecurity from the OAS. Mexico City, Mexico. | Program

Research Experience

FNNDSC | Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Research Assistant at Morton Lab (2023 - Present)
Student Intern at NeuroIm lab (2022)

(2019 - 2023)
ITESM | Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Research Assistant at EIRT lab, School of Engineering and Sciences (2021 - 2023)
Teaching Assistant in Physics and Mathematics courses (2019 - 2020)


Noncoding variants and sulcal patterns in congenital heart disease: Machine learning to predict functional impact

Mondragon-Estrada E, Newburger JW, DePalma SR, Brueckner M, Cleveland J, Chung W, Gelb BD, Goldmuntz E, Hagler Jr DJ, Huang H, McQuillen PS, Miller TA, Panigrahy A, Porter G, Roberts AE, Rollins CK, Russell MW, Tristani-Firouzi M, Grant PE, Im K, and Morton SU. Noncoding variants and sulcal patterns in congenital heart disease: Machine learning to predict functional impact, iScience, Volume 28, Issue 2, 2025, 111707, ISSN 2589-0042, 10.1016/j.isci.2024.111707.


Incorporating vertical collaboration to address sustainable development goals: the Monarch Route Project

Cuevas-Cancino MdlO, Peña-Becerril M, Mondragon-Estrada E and Camacho-Zuñiga C (2024) Incorporating vertical collaboration to address sustainable development goals: the Monarch Route Project. Front. Educ. 9:1246889. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1246889.


Fostering digital transformation in education: technology enhanced learning from professors' experiences in emergency remote teaching

Mondragon-Estrada E, Kirschning I, Nolazco-Flores JA, and Camacho-Zuñiga C (2023) Fostering digital transformation in education: technology enhanced learning from professors’ experiences in emergency remote teaching. Front. Educ. 8:1250461. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1250461.


Undergraduate's Perspective on Being an Effective Online Student During Lockdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic: An Educational Data Mining Study

Mondragon-Estrada E and Camacho-Zuñiga C (2021). “Undergraduate's Perspective on Being an Effective Online Student During Lockdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic: An Educational Data Mining Study”. In: 2021 Machine Learning-Driven Digital Technologies for Educational Innovation Workshop, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/IEEECONF53024.2021.9733773.



  • Mondragon-Estrada E, Kang JW, Grant PE, Morton SU, and Chung AW. "Rare Variants in Constrained Genes are Associated with Altered Connectome in Congenital Heart Disease". Oral presentation delivered at the FNNDSC Fall Symposium. FNNDSC, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, USA, November 2024.

  • Mondragon-Estrada E, PCGC Investigators, Grant PE, Im K, and Morton SU. "Using Machine Learning to Predict Noncoding Variant Associations with Sulcal Patterns in Congenital Heart Disease". Platform (Oral) presentation delivered at the ASHG Annual Meeting. American Society of Human Genetics, Denver CO, USA, November 2024.

  • Mondragon-Estrada E, PCGC Investigators, Grant PE, Im K, and Morton SU. "Using Machine Learning to Predict Noncoding Variant Associations with Sulcal Patterns in Congenital Heart Disease". Poster presentation to be delivered at the Networking Event & Poster Session Presented by NIH's Gabriella Miller Kids First & INCLUDE programs. NIH's Gabriella Miller Kids First & INCLUDE programs, Denver CO, USA, November 2024.

  • Mondragon-Estrada E, Phuong NK, Tung TS, Hehnly C, Movassagh M, Ericson JE, Ha HTT, Broach J, Paulson JN, Morton SU, Schiff SJ. "Prevalence of Orientia Tsutsugamushi in Neonatal Sepsis in Vietnam". Virtual presentation delivered at the M. Judah Folkman Research Day. Boston Children's Hospital, Boston MA, USA, September 2024.

  • Mondragon-Estrada E, PCGC Investigators, Grant PE, Im K, Morton SU. "Noncoding genetic variants and sulcal pattern in congenital heart disease". Oral presentation delivered at the FNNDSC Research Symposium. FNNDSC, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, USA, March 2024.

  • Mondragon-Estrada E, Farooque A, Gomberg D, Mazumdar M, Morton SU. "Assessing interactions between genetic and nutritional risk in spina bifida among infants in Bangladesh". Oral presentation delivered at the Global Health Symposium. Boston Children's Hospital, Boston MA, USA, February 2024.


  • Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (2018-2023)
    B.S Mechatronics Engineering
    Campus Toluca, Mexico.

  • F+U Academy of Languages Heidelberg (2017)
    International Student Exchange Program
    Heidelberg, Baden-Württember, Germany.


  • Outstanding Performance Award, FNNDSC Symposium, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 2024.

  • Scholarship for Academic Talent, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, 2018.


  • Some fun projects I worked on while I was an undergrad:

HackHarvard 2022: MySafetyNet

MySafetyNet is a mental health iOS app developed with Python, Swift and TensorFlow that keeps track of a person's daily mood using deep learning and NLP tasks; based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Devpost project | Repository

Math4Robots: MATLAB Toolbox

Math4Robots is a MATLAB Toolbox that implements some functions for mathematical modeling of robot manipulators. Mathematical models are a powerful tool for representing geometric and dynamic aspects of robots. That is why, the motivation behind this project, was to implement mathematical functions that could facilitate these tasks.

File Exchange Release | Repository

Brain MRI Viewer

The motivation behind this project was to implement MRI preprocessing, visualization and windowing from scratch. With this code you can: Visualize the slices of each view (sagittal, coronal and axial) of your MRI NIfTi file (3 or 4 dimensions) and apply windowing to the MRI by managing the window width and level.



Charles Messier was a French astronomer who was interested in finding comets. During his observations, he noticed many non-comet objects, such as nebulae and star clusters, that made his search a little time-consuming. Motivated to help Messier, in this project I implemented a neural network from scratch in Python to classify whether a celestial object is a nebulae or a star cluster.


Biomechanical Prosthetic Design

This was a project in which I designed a biomechanical arm prosthetic that could potentially be 3D printed.


Technical skills and Software

  • Bioinformatics:
    • Genomic data processing and analysis
    • MRI processing and analysis
    • Statistical analysis

  • Coding:
    • Python: Data science (data analysis & ML algorithms)
    • R: Statistical analysis and genomic data processing
    • MATLAB: Analysis of signals and systems
    • C: General programming & PIC microcontrollers
    • C++: Basic algorithms & data structures
    • Java: Basic algorithms & data structures
    • HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Elemental webpage design
    • SQL: Basic database management (SQLite and MySQL)
    • Assembly: PIC microcontrollers

  • Operating systems:
    • GNU / Linux: Shell scripting, HPC & fundamentals of cybersecurity
    • Windows & MacOS

  • Engineering:
    • Computer-aided design (CAD): SolidWorks (CSWA), NX, & AutoCAD
    • Control systems: LabVIEW, PLC programming (Ladder logic), & Arduino (C/C++)
    • Electronics: Logic & circuit design

  • Languages:
    • Spanish
    • English
    • German
    • French



Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Enrique Mondragon Estrada